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Science at Ramsden Infant School aspires to develop scientifically informed, caring and responsible individuals who can think critically and make informed choices about themselves, the environment and society.

Our aim is for all children to explore and discover the world around them so that they have a deeper understanding of the world within which we all live.  Children will be given opportunities in science to have practical experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning.  These stimulating and challenging experiences help children secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.  The children are exposed to a wide variety of topics that supports their curiosity for learning.  Our curriculum aims to broaden the children’s scientific view of the world around them while promoting a love for enquiry and desire to explore new things.

We aim to:

  • Develop a scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
  • Develop understanding of nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Develop the cultural capital in all children, regardless of their background, so that they have the knowledge and understanding needed to be successful in the modern society
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future


We follow the National Curriculum for Science and the Early Years Curriculum.  We teach science through a topic based approach and teachers follow the whole school progression of knowledge and skills when planning their topics.

Early Years

In Early Years, science is incorporated into the Early Learning Goals that children work towards with a key focus in understanding the world around them.  Children develop their understanding of the world by finding out about their immediate environment, for example, exploring the school grounds, local park, or community gardens. The knowledge, skills and understanding children gain in EYFS sets the foundation for them to become scientists as they progress through school.  Children are given the opportunity to explore and make observations through play based learning.

Key Stage 1

Pupils are encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice.  They are helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions, including observing changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying, carrying out simple comparative tests and finding out things using secondary sources of information.  They are encouraged to use simple scientific language to communicate their ideas and talk about what they have discovered.

Children have the opportunity to learn through a variety of different ways.  Planning includes opportunities to increase the children’s cultural capital and provide them with experiences to enhance their learning in science.

We provide the children with opportunities which will:

  • Increase their knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Enable them to effectively communicate their scientific knowledge, understanding and skills by engaging in meaningful activities
  • Ensure the use of scientific vocabulary
  • Develop their understanding of the effects of their actions on the environment
  • Involve them in listening to visitors who come into school to talk about science, e.g., STEM Ambassadors
  • Involve transition opportunities at our local Junior School
  • Give them access to resources, including internet and videos
  • Include discussions in groups and as a whole class to share ideas and opinions
  • Involve participation in scientific experiences designed to inspire and fascinate


Formative assessment is used throughout school as the main tool for assessing the impact of Science at Ramsden.  Misconceptions and gaps are addressed immediately in order to create more secure scientific foundations.

Assessment is based on:

  • Children’s contributions to class discussions
  • Quiz style questions
  • Verbal and written outcomes from learning
  • Initial findings and discussions
  • Observations and careful questioning of pupils working scientifically to provoke thinking and discussion and encourage higher order thinking

Judgements will be formed as to whether pupils are working towards, working at expected level or exceeding expected level at working scientifically and whether pupils are working towards or expected for their conceptual understanding and knowledge.

Every class teacher will assess and monitor the children’s progress and plan accordingly.  Summative assessments will be carried out at the end of a term and shared with the Science Lead.  The Science Lead will also monitor and track teaching and learning across school through pupil discussions, learning works, work and planning scrutiny.