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Central Barrow Schools Governing Body

Welcome to central Barrow schools Federated Governing Body which was formed on the 1st September 2022.

The Governing Body’s Vision:

The Federated Governing Body have a clear vision to ensure that the children achieve their best academically, emotionally, socially and physically and that staff are enabled and supported to achieve our vision. We work with the Leadership Team to enact the vision and also to hold leaders to account.

The Federated Governing Body is reflective in practice and has a range of experiences and skills to fulfil the expectations of school governance. By taking part in regular training the Governors ensure they develop the skills they already have and keep informed about current educational policies. This enables them to be challenging where necessary and also to work strategically.

As the Federated Governing Body continues to develop their new structure our overarching goal is to ensure that the children of the Central Barrow School Federation can achieve their full potential in this ever-changing world.

The Governing Body’s main tasks are to:
set the aims and objectives of the school,
support and challenge the school’s leadership,
ensure that pupils receive high quality education,
oversee all financial matters relating to the school,
plan for future development and improvement.

The Governing Body of The Central Barrow Schools Federated Schools
three key functions are:

Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure money is well spent
Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the schools and pupils
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Governors are responsible for setting the aims and objectives for the schools, the policies and the targets for achieving those aims and objectives. Through their visits and committee meetings, governors monitor and evaluate the progress the schools are making and act as a source of challenge and support to the Executive Head Teacher.

Central Barrow Schools Governors
Name                                     Gov Role
Mr J Wardman                      Chair Co-opted Governor
Mrs R Robson                        Vice Chair Co-opted Governor
Mrs C Burton                         Vice Chair/Parent Governor
Mrs H Wall                              LA Governor
Mrs E Jamieson                    Co-opted Governor
Mrs J Sharpe                          Co-opted Governor
Miss Clare Johnson              Co-opted Governor
Mrs S Rampton                     Teacher Governor
Vacancy                                   Parent Governor
Mrs S Jackson                        Executive Headteacher

Governor’s Meeting Dates
Full Governors Meeting                                              28th February 5pm