At Ramsden Infant School we aim to develop positive, ‘no fear’ attitudes towards maths. We want the children to see maths as being relevant to their world now and throughout their life and become confident mathematicians.
Children are encouraged to use previous mathematical knowledge and make links between different mathematical concepts. Throughout our school children are regularly exposed to increasingly complex problem solving, which allows them to develop their mathematical knowledge and their ability to work logically. Mathematical vocabulary is developed throughout school and children are encouraged to use it when explaining their methods, thinking or proving their understanding.
Our aims are:
- That all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so they develop a solid understanding of the maths concepts taught in their year group and the ability to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly, confidently and accurately.
- That all pupils are able to explain their mathematical working and prove their knowledge their mathematical vocabulary.
- That all pupils are able to solve problems, relevant to their age range, applying their mathematical knowledge to real life contexts
The National Curriculum is at the heart of our mathematics planning and implemented through White Rose and Big Maths framework. Mathematical topics are taught in blocks, with plans produced and reviewed on a weekly basis to determine progress and next steps in learning.
Teachers believe in the importance of mathematics and that the vast majority of children can succeed in learning mathematics in line with national expectations.
- A large proportion of time is spent reinforcing number to build competency and fluency. Sufficient time is spent on key concepts to ensure learning is well developed and deeply embedded before moving on.
- Our mathematics curriculum is stimulating and exciting and takes into account different learning styles, using appropriate resources to maximise learning
- The whole class is taught mathematics together. Next steps are given to challenge children and children are encouraged to challenge themselves.
- Prior knowledge is regularly revisited
- The reasoning behind mathematical processes is emphasized. Teachers encourage children to explain their understanding and explore the most efficient methods for different concepts.
- Precise mathematical language, is used by teachers so that mathematical ideas are conveyed with clarity and precision. We value ‘mathematical talk’ and children get lots of opportunity to talk about and evaluate their mathematics during lessons.
- Children are encouraged to use manipulatives, pictures to represent their findings, as well as mental maths.
- There are lots of opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving skills.
- Number formation and orientation is a focus in early years, it is systematically corrected and revisited in all year groups.
What does maths look like in our school?
- Lots of discussion, reasoning and use of mathematical vocabulary, children very keen to talk about their learning
- Mixed ability groupings / seating which allows children to work with different people over the course of time.
- Problem solving both individually and collaboratively
- Whiteboards used to develop confidence around learning by mistakes
- Mini plenaries to share misconceptions, pose questions, challenge ideas
- Free access to manipulatives/concrete resources
- Feedback given to pupils at point of need, usually within the lesson – allowing teacher to adapt/extend/challenge or support immediately;
- Challenge by choice where children are freely accessing work/tasks that challenges their thoughts and ideas – free movement between task to ensure challenge is sustained.
- Children enjoying maths and being motivated to learn
- Children learning from their mistakes and making progress
Teacher assessment and regular pupil progress meetings, NFER termly tests in Key Stage 1
Weekly CLIC and Learn It’s in Key Stage One, tracked through Big Maths site.
Regular learning walks, planning and book scrutiny, pupil discussions
Moderating maths in year groups
What do the Children think of maths at Ramsden?